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Patrick "The Cannon" Castelli Powerlifting at RAB Fitness Summer Strength Wars
Patrick Castelli @ the RAB Fitness Strongman Comp in February 2013
Patrick "The Cannon" Castelli 5th Annual WWU Powerlifting Meet Deadlift 3rd Attempt 650 lbs miss
Patrick "The Cannon" Castelli 5th Annual WWU Powerlifting Meet Deadlift 2nd Attempt 610 lbs
Patrick "The Cannon" Castelli 5th Annual WWU Powerlifting Meet Squat 3rd Attempt 555 lbs
Patrick "The Cannon" Castelli deadlift 675 lbs at USS ProAm
Patrick "The Cannon" Castelli - Arnold 2015 Deadlift Medley Training 1/28
RAB Fitness Summer Strength Wars 2015
Patrick "The Cannon" Castelli deadlift 606 lbs at USS ProAm
Patrick "the Cannon" Castelli's Squat Pyramid of Doom
Patrick "The Cannon" Castelli middlweight overhead medley at USS ProAm
Patrick "The Cannon" Castelli 345lbs x20rep Squat